Sunday, March 28, 2010

Trip to Nevada

We had some business in Reno last weekend and decided to extend the trip and have a min-vacation.  We took the kids to Virginia City, NV.  I have always wanted to go to a real "ghost town."  It was anything but.  I expected Old West, and what I got was Old Town.  It was much like Old Sacramento, or Old Folsom, Ferndale, CA, very quaint and picturesque and full of businesses and people.  Anything but a ghost town.

The cemetary was my favorite part of Virginia City.

This is the steeple you see in the background
of the first photo.

I couldn't believe how many babies are buried there.

So sad.

I took a bunch of pictures of headstones...

...but these guys are a bunch of hurry-me-alongs.

"Put down the camera already!"


WhatEVER!  Uh!


These people are lucky I take my camera everywhere...


(One day 100GB of photos will mean something to them!)

Mr. Man here decided to take off his shoes

leave his socks on

step in the snow

then walk in the sand.

Let's hear it for Eden.


The kids now share a bedroom...

I wish!

This would is what their beds would look like.

Nice and cozy, yeah?

A little something for the men in town.

I'm sure the majority can relate to this feeling.

We also went to the Dog Splash show. 
 I have yet to thoroughly go through those photos. 
I will post those when I get a chance.


  1. I look cheese! (Cheese is the new word for awesome. Nobody cool says awesome anymore)
